Campaign 3 of the Route to Inclusion in the region of Greater Lisbon

Campaign 3 of the Route to Inclusion in the region of Greater Lisbon

In Lisbon President of the Republic began the Route to Inclusion dedicated to voluntary work and social exclusion in Urban Environments

With the presentation of the Volunteer Work Exchange, an initiative of the Entrajuda social solidarity project in Lisbon, the President of the Republic began the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, dedicated to Voluntary Work and Social Exclusion in Urban Environments.

Later, in the S. Bento neighbourhood, the President and Dr.ª Maria Cavaco Silva visited the local Social Support Centre, under the responsibility of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, where they were presented with projects of social reinsertion for homeless people. Later on followed a visit to the Parish Social Centre of S. Vicente de Paulo, in the neighbourhood of Serafina.
