Visit to Peniche Fortress

Visit to Peniche Fortress

President began in Peniche the 3rd Campaign of the Route to the Local Innovatory Communities

In the beginning of the 3rd Campaign of the Route to the Local Innovatory Communities, carried out in the Northern section of the Western Region, the President of the Republic visited the Peniche Fortress, where he viewed an exhibition showing the municipal strategy for the preservation and valuation of marine resources.

Dedicated to the coastal communities and to the exploit of the sea, the first part of this 3rd Campaign of the Route followed with a visit, still in Peniche, to the Higher School of Tourism and Technologies of the Sea, where President Aníbal Cavaco Silva met with representatives of the Coastal Action Groups.

Later, in Nazaré, the President of the Republic visited the harbour and the Cultural Centre, and later the Port Authority, where he viewed a presentation on the local projects related to marine resources.
