Route to Youth in Porto

Route to Youth in Porto

President started Route to Youth in Porto opening the Palace of Arts-Talent Factory

Starting out on the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Youth, the President of the Republic presided at the inaugural act, in the Porto Historic Centre, of the Palace of Arts-Talent Factory, viewed the facilities of the old Convent of S. Domingos, held contacts with the young artists, scientists, researchers, designers and musicians present there and visited the exhibitions on show.

In addition to having contacted the youths who had been awarded prizes in several competitions held by various Porto institutions, President Aníbal Cavaco Silva, together with sculptor José Rodrigues, viewed a plaque paying tribute to the four Porto arts masters known as “The four 20’s - Armando Alves, Jorge Pinheiro, Ângelo de Sousa and José Rodrigues”.

Ending the visit, the President addressed a speech allusive to the new area of activity which he had officially opened and to the objectives of this new campaign of the Route to Youth.
