Christmas Greetings from President and Mrs. Cavaco Silva
Palace of Belém, 19 January 2013

Christmas is a season when Portuguese families join together and strengthen their ties of friendship.

I want to address a very special message to all the families. They have been a fundamental component to soften to some extent the difficult times we are living.

It is also the time to think even more about those who do not have a family, those who live on their own, and those who, throughout this year have suffered greater hardship. To them, a word of deep solidarity and hope.

To those who dedicated their time and attention in caring for others I want to address a word of friendliness, to assert my great regard for the work they carry out on behalf of the weakest. Without them, the lives of many would still be harder.

I greet our Diaspora, the Portuguese Communities that, especially during this season, feel that their homesickness hurts even more.

The past year has been difficult for us all. Worse for some than for others. We must remember, with concern, the young people who are searching for jobs, the not so young who wish to return to an active life and the aged, whose income is not always adequate to face their day-to-day expenses.

We have lived times of sacrifice and difficulty. We hope that today’s sacrifices will allow us to build a better future.

We have to continue working as we have until now: with courage and determination and, above all, with the responsibility that all of us have, to change the future. I am confident that we will achieve this.

Christmas must be a season of peace, harmony and unity. Encouraging signs exist that allow us to be hopeful.

We wish all Portuguese a Happy Christmas.