Speech by the President of the Republic in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia
Bogotá National Capitol, Colombia, 16 April 2013

It is a great honour to speak in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, in that which is the Home of the Colombian Democracy. I salute the Congress Members and particularly, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a greeting shared, I am certain, by the delegation of the Portuguese Parliament.

Colombia has treaded a model path in the strengthening of its democratic institutions and in the reconciliation of its society, thus greatly contributing towards its assertion in Latin America and in the World. The consolidation of democracy and the pacifying of Colombian society are historical facts that greatly ennoble this sovereign people and its representatives.

One of the fundamental characteristics of contemporary democracies is based upon the promotion of solid and plural institutions, truly representative of the diverse opinions that exist within a free society. In Colombia, it is unanimously recognized that the National Congress fills a central space in the consolidation and strengthening of the rule of law in a democratic State, and in representing its citizens’ legitimate expectations.

We believe in the same values: democracy, respect for the dignity of the human person, the primacy of rule of Law and of Justice.

We share the same ideals: equality of opportunities and the right to personality development. We have identical ambitions: political freedom and pluralism, an economy at the service of the people, greater social justice. This affinity of values, ideals and ambitions is a decisive factor in the approach and in the reinforcement of cooperation between Colombia and Portugal.

Mister Speaker,
Members of Congress,

Our two countries have been, for a long time, linked by bonds of friendship, but never as nowadays has the intensity of our relations been so deep. Portugal and its people maintain and cultivate a special relationship with Latin America. Mutual respect emerges between Portuguese and Colombians for the History and culture of both countries and, I would hazard to say, an affinity of affection and a spontaneous and natural empathy.

Several official visits of our countries’ representatives have taken place in latter years, an expressive signal of the reciprocal vitality and interest in the deepening of relations between Portugal and Colombia and of the approach between both peoples. This my Visit of State takes place a few months after President Juan Manuel dos Santos having visited Portugal.

In the global world in which we live nowadays, this friendly relation must be more than ever valued. Immediately, in bilateral terms. And, in addition, within a plan of approach between the regions where we are inserted.

I am convinced that Portugal and Colombia will know how to provide a significant contribution in order that the relations between Latin America and Europe, not just within the Iberian-American scope but also in that of the whole of the European Union, will be more than ever advantageous. In this context I want to signal the approval of the Trade Agreement between Colombia, Peru and the European Union, which Portugal supported from the very beginning. I am convinced that it will bring mutual benefits to both our countries and will be one of the fundamental components of the future relationship between Colombia and Europe.

Mister Speaker,
Members of Congress,

In addition to the bonds of respect and historical friendship that exist between our two countries and of the intense bilateral and multilateral political connections, our relationship has become strengthened in two essential features: economical and cultural.

Portugal and Colombia are clearly determined in increasing economic cooperation, trade and reciprocal investment. This is why I have been accompanied by a relevant retinue of Portuguese entrepreneurs.

In the cultural field, the invitation for Portugal to be the guest country in the Bogotá International Book Fair has been the source of great dignity for us. I shall have the honour tomorrow to preside, together with President Santos, at the inaugural act of the Portuguese Pavilion. I hope that the Portuguese presence in the Bogotá Book Fair enhances the interest of the Colombians in the Portuguese language and increases their interest in discovering my country, “a strip of land bordering the sea”, as described by the great Portuguese poet, Miguel Torga. The fact the Portuguese language and culture are welcomed and promoted in a country with Colombia’s cultural dimension, the home of Nobel Prize Winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is an honour for all Portuguese and for the approximately 250 million Portuguese speakers in the entire world.

I end by asserting my firm conviction that the fruits of our relationship will positively contribute towards meeting the challenges we are facing in the building of a better future, aiming towards the well being of Colombian and Portuguese citizens. Political action aims to common welfare, as anyway expressed in the Colombian Constitution. Aiming towards the common welfare of our peoples, I greet with great joy the representatives of the Colombian nation.

Thank you very much