Introduction to the book “Presidential Routes” by the President of the Republic
11 October 2010

A propitious initiative

The Routes were one of the most outstanding initiatives of my mandate as President of the Republic, and were revealed as an effective means to alert society for causes that concern us all and to sensitize and muster the Portuguese in their defence and promotion. Many of the issues dealt with gained support after being increasingly singled out in public opinion and in the political agenda.

I promoted 5 Routes that were developed in 21 campaigns and took me to 76 counties. They had as topics social inclusion, science, historical and cultural heritage, youth and the innovatory communities. Through them I gave hundreds of citizens the opportunity to speak out, provided public knowledge to, and became better aware of, the realities of the Country’s different regions, and obtained valuable data for the development of my magistracy of influence. In all of them I had members of the Government and of Parliament present.

Because I always wanted to unite the Portuguese and give a positive contribution towards the resolution of national issues, the routes were used to provide visibility to good examples and best practices and not to show the negative, erroneous or misery situations that still exist in Portugal. As such, I tried to emphasize solutions, strengthen the motivation of citizens to act and launch new projects and contribute to improve the confidence of the Portuguese in their own capabilities.

I visited many institutions of solidarity and projects of social action. I contacted with volunteer groups. I singled out to the Portuguese the notable efforts rendered to the more vulnerable sectors of our society: aged, handicapped, sick, children, youths in risk situations, single mothers, emigrants, families with material needs.

I gave special relevance to situations of childhood emergency and for this reason I visited and wanted to find out in detail the projects of the various institutions that harbour and provide aid for children.

In Marco de Canaveses I paid tribute to victims of domestic violence, an ulcer that shames us all.

I visited dozens of companies and innovatory entrepreneurial projects in which productivity, qualification of human resources and competitiveness are assumed as decisive factors for success.
I provided visibility to technological parks, company incubation centres and initiatives to promote entrepreneurship.

I promoted meetings with entrepreneurs, enterprising people and social agents in order to become aware of their projects, their ambitions and the obstacles they are facing.

In several occasions I gave the opportunity to young researchers, entrepreneurs, local authorities, students, officers in associations, teachers and artists to voice their thoughts and opinions.

I met with dozens of Mayors to emphasize and value the contribution of local authorities towards economic recovery and to lessen the suffering of the Portuguese struck by the crisis.

I expressed public recognition to local innovatory agents who distinguished themselves by their contributions to the improvement in the lives of the communities where they belong and for the valuation of our Country’s endogenous resources.

In visits to several universities, polytechnic institutes and research centres I had the opportunity to become aware of dozens of projects for research, entrepreneurial innovation and cooperation with society.

At meetings with researchers and entrepreneurs I made their opinions heard and obtained useful data for the development of my duties as President of the Republic.

I supported multiple cultural, educational and environmental projects, encouraged the development of creative industries, and visited historical monuments with the purpose of sensitizing the several bodies and citizens in general for the importance in their preservation and valuation.

Due to the information I obtained from the contacts with political, economic, social, cultural and scientific agents and with the people in general, I have no doubts that my Routes resulted in great benefits for the Country. I share the opinion that it was a felicitous initiative, as many have stated.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva