Speech delivered by the President of the Republic in “Liga dos Combatentes” on the occasion of the Commemorations of the 200 Years of the “Torre e Espada” Order
Lisbon, May 13, 2008

Honourable President of the Board of “Liga dos Combatentes”,
Honourable Secretary of State for National Defence,
Honourable Chancellor of the Former Military Orders
Honourable Civil and Military Authorities,
Honourable Personalities Decorated with the “Torre e Espada” Order,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Founded in the 15th century by King Afonso V, as the Order of the Sword, and reinstated, precisely 200 years ago, by Prince Regent D. João, future King João VI, this day’s Military Order of “Torre e Espada” is the most important Portuguese Honorific Order and has inscribed in its name the motto «of Valour, Loyalty and Merit».

Its award, which aims to distinguish exceptionally relevant merits shown in carrying out duties or offices associated to the activities of sovereign bodies or to the command of troops in campaign, also includes feats of military and civil heroism and exceptional acts of denial and sacrifice on behalf of the Fatherland or of Humanity.

During its already lengthy life, the “Torre e Espada” Order was used to pay tribute to the merits of topmost Portuguese, those that decisively contributed to our assertion as a free, sovereign and independent Country. And it is possible to single out as characteristic the type of duty, feats and conduct of those that received this award during the last two hundred years, a connection brought about in the three words of its motto: Valour, Loyalty and Merit.

Since I took office as President of the Republic, in the initiatives I have launched, especially in the various «Routes» that have taken me across the Country, these are also the types of qualities – Valour, Loyalty and Merit – which I somehow endeavour to emphasize when I appeal to the ambition of the Portuguese and that they should work together, aiming towards a better future for a Country which is ours, a Country which also belongs to the generations that preceded us and to those that will succeed us.

The “Torre e Espada” Military Order is, truly, the most exceptional sign of recognition that Portugal has awarded to those who, through their effort and their sacrifice, greatly enriched their Fatherland and Humanity.

We find here, today, in the “Liga dos Combatentes”, bearing the insignia which singles them out as citizens deserving of such a notable tribute, some of the Portuguese of whom I have been speaking. They are worthy successors of those that, many centuries ago, were the performers of the adventure that launched the pillars of a new world.

It is this global, interdependent and competitive world of our days that once again places demanding challenges upon the Portuguese.

Maybe more than ever, the capability of the Portuguese to achieve will be put to test in multiple areas. In science, innovation, competitiveness, social inclusion, in defence of our heritage, we are called up to continue the History of Portugal, rich in instances of willingness and ambition. A History made of work, of sacrifice, of determination and courage. A History ennobled by great and small gestures of Valour, Loyalty and Merit.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Throughout the years, the Honorific Orders have been essentially used to show the recognition of the Nation and the State to the citizens that achieved distinction by their actions on behalf of the Fatherland and for the benefit of the community.

But the National Honorific Orders must also be considered as a prime symbolic reference to encourage the improvement of merit and the virtues they aim to distinguish.

On this day, when I join in the tribute to the personalities decorated with the Order of “Torre e Espada”, it makes sense to call attention to the insignia that they proudly bear, since these are the testimony of great virtues, an example of work and a model of life for other people.

Conferring prestige and dignifying our decorations will keep alive the great national traditions as well as contribute to stimulating the will to undertake more and do better on behalf of society.

I thus wish to warmly congratulate the “Liga dos Combatentes” for the opportune initiative to commemorate the two hundred years of the “Torre e Espada” Order and, very specially, congratulate those who were awarded this Decoration and are with us here today, paying them tribute for the exceptional feats for which they have been distinguished and, as well, for the example they constitute for us all. I hope that all Portuguese will know how to measure up to the examples of citizenry present in this room, examples of Valour, Loyalty and Merit.

Thank you very much.