Speech by the President of the Republic at the reopening of the Oratory in the Convent of Christ
Tomar, 16 April 2014

The restoration of the Oratory of the Convent of Christ is one of the more distinctive rehabilitation works of the Portuguese cultural and historical heritage in the last decades. I could obviously not absent myself, with great pleasure, from this special moment.

The Convent of Christ, a World Heritage, assumes particular historical and artistic relevance, due to its connection, firstly, with the reconquest of national territory and, later, with the epic of the maritime expansion. It was also the headquarters of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal and, later, that of the Military Order of Christ.

A magnificent testimony of the evolution in the monastic-religious architecture is, simultaneously, one of the best specimens of Templar architecture in the World.

Throughout my mandates I have rendered special attention to the appreciation of our tangible and intangible heritage.

The preservation of cultural heritage, whilst a symbol of civilization and recognition of historical memory, is the major factor of a people’s identity. But it is equally an asset of great weight in the answer to present and future challenges.

It is important to sensitize institutions, local authorities, companies, and citizens not to allow the loss of the immense and valuable heritage that was bequeathed us. Its conservation is in everybody’s interest and must be everybody’s duty.

Portugal has, additionally, UNESCO classified heritage that has enormous potential for alluring tourists and that must be preserved and disseminated.

The Convent of Christ has, in this perspective, an irreplaceable role for the city of Tomar and for all the Central region of Portugal.

The Oratory of the Convent of Christ, with its unique iconographic richness, is precisely considered one of the architectural and artistic jewels of our Country.

I congratulate CIMPOR for having assumed with its patronage the refurbishment of the Oratory. The company’s social and cultural officers had the ability to identify a precise objective, fulfil the defined schedule and ensure the complex and delicate process of restoration and preservation of this masterpiece.

This is an example that deserves disclosing.

I invite other companies to follow CIMPOR’s example and to take up the care of the many monuments that, all over the Country, continue awaiting restoration work.

Unfortunately, there is no lack of opportunities for action by those who may wish helping the preservation of our heritage and, as such, fulfilling their responsibilities to society.

I thus leave, in addition to my commendation of CIMPOR, a word of incentive in order that company sponsorship contributes, more than ever, to the cultural and economic enrichment of our country.

Thank you very much.