Message from the President of the Republic addressed to the Portuguese Communities on the occasion of the Commemorations of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities
Elvas, 9 June 2013

In this “much noble and loyal” Elvas that, in 1513, King Dom Manuel elevated to city status as an “upgrading of honour” and as a “tribute and memorial” to the “great and many services” received from its peoples, we today commemorate Portugal, its history, its language, its people.

We celebrate the uniqueness of Elvas.

As put down in writing by José Hermano Saraiva, “Elvas, today, is not a border fortress, nor a customs house, not even a bishopric. But its enormous scalloped ditches, escarpments, defences and bulwarks allow it the seduction of an antique work of art”.

The Amoreira Aqueduct, with its eight hundred arches, emphasizes the memoirs of all those who crossed it throughout the years.

Arising northwards through its arches is the view of the Graça Fort, perched on grassy hills planted with olive trees, a unique military architectural work dating from the 16th century, which holds sway over the neighbouring countryside.

The imposing Gate of Arms of the City, its fifteenth century battlements, the towers and arches of its churches and the brightness of its housing are witnesses of its heroic deeds, intimately linked with Portugal’s destiny.

Inside, we are welcomed by the people of Elvas, accustomed throughout centuries to the strictures of difficult years, which were burdened with the building of most of these monuments and that are now viewing the tribute paid to the efforts of their forbears in the international recognition of their city.

Portugal’s gate in the Alentejo, and a relevant border city, Elvas is a perpetual presence in the pages of our History, a military redoubt essential to the continuing independence of our Country.

“Key, defence and shield
I belong to the Lusitanian Reign,
I block the Castilians,
I am Elvas and state my mind”

As written by the fifteenth century poet António Serrão de Castro.

The precious “Key to the Kingdom” was fortified until it became the immense redoubt we see today, almost insuperable.

The important victory achieved in 1659, during the War of Restoration, in the famous Lines of Elvas Battle, the location of which was recently classified as National Heritage, was indeed a tactical and strategic victory that, whilst demonstrating our Country’s defensive capabilities, brought about the external support which was determining to ensure our independence.

But the centuries of Elvas are not limited only to wars. Peace was also sealed here and important dynastic alliances subscribed.

The Sovereign Courts met here in the kingdom of D. Pedro, in 1361, at a time when the country was being reorganized, looking towards the future with renewed enthusiasm.

Today, when the 500th anniversary of its becoming a city is being celebrated, as well as its becoming a part of World Heritage, national celebrations return to Elvas, with the Commemorations of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities.

Although a historic encounter, it is also an encounter with the future.

It is nowadays more than ever the duty of municipalities to look towards the economic development of the counties and, as such, to the welfare and progress of the peoples.

The stake placed by the Elvas City Council in urban refurbishment, the dignifying of the public areas and, most of all, the recovery of the city’s rich historic heritage deserves being emphasized. These are primary components of an overall view that allows the opening of new doors for the future.

The recognition in 2012 by UNESCO of Elvas as World Heritage was a relevant step in the city’s and the region’s tourist and cultural assertion and must also be an incentive for the future and an example for other towns and cities in our Country.

It is the proof that effort, planning and joint actions are rewarded.

I pay my tribute to those responsible for the candidacy of Elvas to the status of World Heritage for the success they achieved. I equally pay tribute to the historians and ethnographers that, throughout recent decades, studied this city and contributed towards the growing pride in its fame.

Mister Mayor,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
People of Elvas,

The Elvas Ballad Book, a 16th century jewel and one of the most important music sources of the Portuguese Renaissance, contains songs and poems that somewhat describe what Portugal then was. There are sentiments in those poems that sound strangely familiar today.

The Elvas peoples were used to carefully scan the horizons in search of dangers. They knew how to resist all difficulties with great courage; a courage that echoes the capacity that the Portuguese have shown in the last few years.

In this period that Portugal is going through, Elvas calls upon us to look at our History and to recognize that difficult moments are not unheard of, but that, in the decisive hours, the Portuguese knew how to unite to defend the major national purposes.

This is a decisive hour. Portugal is living a moment when we cannot vacillate in our determination to win and to achieve a better future.

It is crucial that we are well aware of the difficulties, of the drama that unemployment represents for the lives of thousands of our fellow citizens and of the strenuous moments that a large number of families are going through.

But let us not forget that what Portugal has always had, well represented by this noble and loyal City of Elvas, is a capacity, even at crucial moments, to face and conquer adversities.

Such as the future of the Country was organized in the Sovereign Courts of D. Pedro, and such as we knew how to reassert our sovereignty in the Battle of the Lines of Elvas, it is now our duty, in Elvas, to assume with strength and hope that we are facing a common purpose, which we do not want to give up. This purpose is Portugal.

Thank you