Speech by the President of the Republic at the Closing Session of the Economic Seminar
Hotel Swissotel, Lima, Peru, 19 April 2013

I am greatly pleased to preside, jointly with President Humala, at the closing session of this Economic Seminar that brought together Portuguese and Peruvian entrepreneurs. I am certain that this was an extremely useful opportunity for all who took part in it.

In my travels abroad, apart from political contacts, I have endeavoured to privilege economic and cultural contacts and to specifically promote meetings between local and Portuguese entrepreneurs, whom I make a point of including in my retinue.

I came to Peru at the invitation of President Humala, and before you, almost at the end of this Visit, I wish to reiterate my thanks for the warm welcome with which I have been received.

Viewed from Portugal, Peru is the home of the lofty Andes, filled with traditions and an enormously rich History, the birthplace of millenary civilizations surrounded by mysteries that, still today, dazzle and fascinate Humanity.

For Peruvians, Portugal may seem a distant reality. A country and a people known for their heroic acts and by their maritime inroads, a global protagonist in the era of the Discoveries which, as the Poet said, “gave new worlds to the world”.

In spite of the geographic distance, our natural affinities swiftly appear: our language has a common origin, we share an attraction for the sea and we are very akin in the sympathy and hospitality of our peoples. We also share, by the way, other more mundane interests, such as a passion for football.

We must thus increase our efforts to become better acquainted and to deepen our relationship. This is one of the reasons why we are here today.

Latin America has gone through a notable development in latter years. The majority of this region’s countries are nowadays stable democracies, where all the citizens have guaranteed rights of civic participation.

Peru is an example of a country where such changes are now consolidated and live side by side with the recognition of its History and tradition. The effort for regional integration that Peru has been carrying out, namely in terms of trade and economical cooperation will surely benefit all the parties involved. Portugal wants to be a part of this process, wants to accompany Peru in the internationalization of its economy.

In this regard, I would like to welcome the approval of the Trade Agreement between the European Union, Peru and Colombia. I am pleased that this visit of mine to Peru is the first of a European Head of State since such an important step in intercontinental cooperation has been formalized. Portugal has always supported, in the framework of the European Union, the negotiation and the approval of this Agreement, since it believes in the mutual benefits that it can bring to trade and investment.

And I particularly refer, here, to investment in strategic areas, entrepreneurial partnerships and trade between our two countries, which we know are far below their potential, which is undoubtedly high.

It is our wish – and here I challenge the entrepreneurs – to increase the economic and trading links between our two countries, in order that they may reach a level identical to that which characterizes the political dialogue and diplomatic cooperation between Portugal and Peru.

Mister President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The existing complementarity between the Portuguese and Peruvian economies offers many opportunities, including that which concerns both countries’ SME’s. The presence of Portuguese companies in Peru, as is the case with Mota Engil, and the interest of a growing number of entrepreneurs in the Peruvian market and in establishing partnerships guided towards other geographical destinations, are already very significant signs.

Many Portuguese companies want to cooperate with Peru and are available to collaborate in its development, specifically through strategic partnerships in sectors where we have a large experience in the global market, as is the case of infrastructures and public works, transport, energy and telecommunications, as well as others.

In this regard, I must bring to mind the strategic location of Portuguese sea ports, especially the Port of Sines, whose Chairman comprises the entrepreneurial delegation that accompanies me – and the potential provided by Portugal as an Atlantic doorway to Europe.

I must emphasize that, also in the field of health and pharmaceuticals, Portugal has competences that may be very useful to the efforts of social development that are being carried out by the Peruvian authorities. In Portugal, democratic consolidation was accompanied by a strong deepening in the availability of health care and aid services for the people. Political democracy does not exist without social justice. And there is no social justice without attending to the basic needs of the distressed. This is a lesson that Portugal gained with its experience in almost forty years of democratic regime.

On another hand, we do not neglect the importance of tightening bonds in the educational, scientific, technological and cultural sectors. The movement of students, researchers, writers and qualified professionals connected to science, engineering, knowledge and the arts is fundamental to our process of mutual acquaintance and to the deepening of relations between Portugal and Peru.

Portugal is determined upon the swift coming into force of the Double Taxation Agreement, subscribed in November, on the occasion of the visit to Portugal of President Humala. I am certain that this Agreement will be a relevant supplement to forward trade and investments between both countries.

We also follow attentively and with much interest the development of the recently set up Pacific Alliance, as an innovatory area of integration in Latin America. Regarding this, Portugal requested the status of observer with that organization and hope that Peru supports this design.

Mister President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Portugal is a stable democracy and a modern and open economy, a country endowed with excellent infrastructures and equipment, with a highly trained human capital. It is a Member State of the European Union which has cultural, political and economic privileged relationships with many countries outside the European area, namely in Africa and, particularly, with Portuguese speaking African countries. It is a nation that opens its doors to the initiative of Peruvian entrepreneurs that may, through it, find new means of access to the gigantic European market and to others with which, due to its History, Portugal is especially well acquainted.

We live in a time of great challenges both in Portugal and in Europe. I have defended the importance of advancing more determinedly in the provision of an European agency guided towards employment and growth. In this process, and as far as we are concerned, we want to intensify, materially and precisely, the internationalization of our economy.

The economies of our two countries have a similar size. In this context, the exchange of investments is clearly beneficial for both entrepreneurial fabrics.

Cooperation between Peruvian and Portuguese companies has the potential of being a relationship between equals, originating in States that share a humanist view of the world. In addition, the relationship between Portuguese and Peruvian companies will surely increase the potential of the development of Peruvian exports to Europe and will facilitate the demanding requisites required by quality standards and productive processes. For this reason, I believe there is much to be gained, also multilaterally, from the strengthening of our economic and entrepreneurial cooperation.

Please allow me to underline the competences and conformity of the Portuguese companies present here and that decided to accompany me on this visit to Peru. They bring knowledge, experience and drive and it is my belief that the Peruvian authorities and companies will recognize their merits, their availability and their special capabilities for the joint creation of added value.

The economic growth and social progress that has been experienced sustainedly in this region of the globe, shows that we are facing a successful strategy in the response given to the challenges of development.

I am certain that this Seminar, organized under the custody of the Portuguese and Peruvian investment and foreign trade agencies, AICEP and PROINVERSION, to whom I take this opportunity to show my appreciation, will return material and visible results, showing up the vitality of our companies and the political will to deepen the relations between Portugal and Peru.

Thank you very much for your presence.