Speech by the President of the Portuguese Republic at the closing of the “Portugal-Indonesia Business Forum”
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, 23 May 2012

It is with great pleasure that I participate in this Portugal-Indonesia Business Forum and witness the strong interest that entrepreneurs from both countries took in this event.

On this occasion, I would like to stress three aspects which I believe are fundamental in the context of the strengthening of economic cooperation between our two countries.

The first concerns the extraordinary economic progress that has been achieved in Indonesia.

I have been following with great interest the developments in Indonesia, in particular over the last decade. The process of democratic transition and consolidation of political pluralism paved the way to a period of economic growth, with remarkable improvements in infrastructures and living standards.

Indonesia’s success is a subject of study everywhere. In fact, Indonesia enjoys an increasingly high economic relevance worldwide, as its integration in the G20 group and the growing weight of its voice in a wide range of issues in the international agenda clearly shows.

We cannot but rejoice at your progress. Moreover the success of the Indonesian economy also brings new opportunities to the strengthening of the bilateral economic relationship between our countries.

Secondly, I would like to take this opportunity to expound to our Indonesian partners on the efforts Portugal is making within the framework of the economic and financial adjustment programme currently in force.

The present conditions of the European economy, and of the world economy, still are, as we know, particularly challenging. But there is today the conviction that the European economy is on the path to recovery.

Portugal is keen on implementing an ambitious programme of budgetary consolidation and structural reforms, which, I am certain, will enable the Portuguese economy to become more flexible and vigorous and also better prepared to seize the opportunities that lie ahead in terms of internationalisation.

It is worth mentioning that all our partners and, in particular, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank, have been making a positive assessment of the manner in which we are executing our programme and of the high level of political and social cohesion upholding it. This is in fact a considerable advantage, that reinforces my belief in our success.

The third aspect that I would like to mention deals with the importance and advantages of a deepening of economic relations between our two countries.

Portugal has a modern and open economy, with solid political institutions and a business environment that is favourable to investment, entrepreneurship and innovation. Our integration in the economic and political area of the European Union

In Portugal, today more than ever, we are enjoying an environment of great receptivity to foreign investment and entrepreneurship. We are committed to reinforcing our external economic ties and, particularly, with regions of the World, such as Indonesia, where economic growth has been so visible.

Against this background, I would like, to call on Indonesian entrepreneurs to make a thorough evaluation of business opportunities in Portugal – particularly since Portugal has strong specific skills in areas that, I believe, can be of great interest to the Indonesian economy. The Memorandum of Understanding that has just been signed between investment agencies from Portugal and Indonesia is a promising indicator for the strengthening of our economic partnership.

I would like to conclude my words with a message of hope and trust in the future of the Portuguese economy. Portugal has always been able to overcome with success, and more rapidly than expected, its external financing crises. I am certain that we will be able to do so once again.

I would like to assure you that Indonesian authorities and enterprises will find in Portugal natural allies and partners to enhance their participation in the European economy, and in other regions of the world as well.

Our close link to the rest of the world, in America, in Africa and here in Asia, are a key asset Portugal has decided to benefit from.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The political contacts I have held – not just with Indonesian authorities but also with economic and cultural agents – have enabled me to conclude that the conditions to raise our bilateral relationship to a new level have been met.

I hope that all the contacts made during this forum will continue and turn into mutually profitable business and investment opportunities.

Thank you very much for your presence and for your participation.