Speech delivered by the President of the Republic t the Award Ceremony of the rize for Innovatory Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora
Lisbon, 8 June 2010

President of the Jury of the Prize for Innovatory Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora,
Chairman of the Board of COTEC,
Valued nominees for the Prize for Innovatory Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before anything else, I wish to welcome all those who travelled from the four corners of the world to meet here in this second Encounter «Innovatory Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora ».

I am very pleased to greet all the nominees, congratulating very specially the winners of this Prize. The Country recognizes your inspiring spirit, which is also a reason for us all to be proud of you.

The wide participation in this second Encounter of the Diaspora, as well as the growing number of applications presented for the Prize, are encouraging signs for the strengthening of the relations between Portugal and the Portuguese communities spread throughout the world. I congratulate COTEC’s Officers and team for the quality achieved in the organization of this Encounter and for the dynamism attained over this Prize.

In the first message that, as President of the Republic, I addressed to the Portuguese residing abroad, I underlined the importance for Portugal to become better acquainted with the talent and prestige of our countrymen in the societies where they are integrated, and to take advantage of their knowledge, experience and connection capabilities.

I committed myself at the time to do all in my power to support a greater approximation between Portugal and the Portuguese communities settled in foreign parts. Throughout my mandate, with this commitment in mind, I have made a point of consorting with our countrymen on many occasions, in different parts of the World, and have ascertained that all of them persist in maintaining alive the bonds that link them to Portugal.

The deepening of these bonds is a task which I have always considered as fundamental. This conviction of mine becomes even stronger considering the enormous challenges that Portugal is facing, with emphasis on economic recovery and creation of employment. And it is exactly to obtain your contribution to conquer the challenge for the conversion of the Portuguese economy that I call upon you as Portuguese and as successful entrepreneurs.

As I have repeatedly outlined, the Country can only attain a sustainable economic recovery by investing solidly and deeply in the strengthening of the factors of competitiveness and in the conquering of new markets.

And it is precisely here that the contribution of the Diaspora, your contribution, can be decisive. If any example has been given us by our countrymen it is that there are no irreversible fatalities. It is always possible to change the course of our lives. With work, creativity and the capacity to run risks.

We must become aware of the dynamic potential of our Diaspora.

In a global world, thanks to the ease of communication and to the speed in the transfer of information and knowledge, the Portuguese, wherever they may be, are nearer to each other and nearer to their Country. If, in the past, many left without even knowing whether they would be able to return, today’s distances have been extraordinarily shortened and, thanks to innovatory technology in communications, physical distances do not separate us any more.

Your success, as entrepreneurs and enterprising people, is nowadays an added value that Portugal cannot allow to go to waste.

For three reasons:

First, because you are simultaneously aware of two socio-cultural realities, that of your country of birth and that of your country of residence, allowing you to create extremely fruitful contacts.

Secondly, because you have a deep knowledge of the markets in which you operate, a factor which can be extremely useful for the national economic fabric involved in export activities.

Finally, because you are the trustees of a personal and very intimate relationship with the millions of luso-descendants.

While recognizing the existence of a successful entrepreneurial community in the Diaspora, national entrepreneurs will be able to find trustful partners there, deeply knowledgeable of the realities of the new target markets they want to reach.

On the same basis, the entrepreneurs of the communities abroad may find in national entrepreneurs the adequate partners for profitable investments and businesses which will eventually contribute towards the economic development of the Country.

From the North to the South of the Country I have found communities capable of decisively contributing towards economic recovery and job creation through the strengthening of local productive capacity, valuation of own resources, and the dissemination of a culture of innovation and of young entrepreneurialism.

I am certain that, at local authority level, there is today greater ease and responsiveness to investments by entrepreneurs from the Diaspora. I have close knowledge of successful experiences in economic cooperation between local authorities and representatives of Portuguese communities, which would be advantageous to become multiplied.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stated, on the occasion of the first commemorations of the 10th June in my mandate, that the celebration of the National Day of Portugal as a true Day of the Portuguese Diaspora would be substantially reinforced in its symbolism if it actively involved the Portuguese communities and the organizations that represent them.

This Encounter amongst entrepreneurs and enterprising people, as well as the Prize which I was pleased to award for the third year running, are proof of the progress we have been able to achieve.

The National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities is celebrated, this year, in Faro. I want to recall that, as stated in the chronicles, it was in the Algarve that Prince Henry the Navigator set up residence five hundred years ago.

It was from Sagres, or so it is said, that the epic of the Discoveries was launched. Without fears, without awe. Or better, knowing how to master the fears and the awe.

Similarly to the ancient mariners, we have to be capable to dare overcome the mental barriers which awe us in the face of risk and uncertainty. The tendency to maintain things as they are, to avoid change at any cost that may imply risk, and the reserve with which innovation is very often regarded, are the greater obstacles to the so very necessary conversion of our Country.

The histories of the Portuguese in the Diaspora, the histories of our lives, have as a common link the victory over adverse circumstances. You know, as few do, that fear and trust cannot live simultaneously in the hearts of men. When choosing to live in trust, in yourselves and in your capabilities, you are being an example and an inspiration to all Portuguese.

The contemporary Portuguese adventure is open to all. All, without exception, are necessary to tread the paths which will lead us back to sustainable economic development.

I thank you for your presence here today. I am certain that it is a sign of hope in the future of Portugal. In the name of change, in the name of confidence, I wish you all the greatest of success.

Thank you.