Welcome Address by the President of the Portuguese Republic, on the occasion of the Visit to Portugal of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Lisbon, 11 May 2010

Holy Father

It is with deep elation that, on behalf of the Portuguese People and in my own personal name, I welcome Your Holiness on the beginning of a Visit so highly significant for Portugal.

The Portuguese have a tradition to hospitably receive all who visit them. In Your Holiness’ case, this hospitality is joined by the profound happiness and intense fervour of the faithful who welcome in You the successor to the Apostle Peter.

It is impossible to explain Portugal without calling upon our relations with the Holy See. Relations which caused the recognition of our own independent political reality in 1179, and which marked the universal assertion of a Nation that Your Holiness’ predecessors named as “Fidelissima”.

Centuries’ old relations which nowadays find legal support in the Concordat signed by the Portuguese State and the Holy See in 2004. In the terms of which, confirming the bonds that link us, Portugal recognizes the role of the Catholic Church and respects and supports the inestimable service that it renders our society. A service for which I, in Your Holiness’ presence, solemnly express my appreciation.

Holy Father,

The country which welcomes You is a free and plural Portugal, with an identity owed to multiple contributions, and which is ruled by the principles that promote human dignity, justice and peace.

A country where the separation between Church and State congregates with the deep marks of Christian inheritance present in our culture and heritage and, above all, in the humanist values that determine our way of life and world status.

A way of life and a status which is revealed in the search for dialogue with other creeds and with the world of culture, which has been distinguishing Your pontificate and of which You will carry through a further stage, here in Lisbon.

In earlier days, valuably contributing towards the expansion of the Christian faith, we opened the world to universal dialogue. We are for this reason a People with a calling to recognize the value of diversity.

A particularly adequate attitude at a time when, possibly more than ever, a comprehensive understanding between the discourse of reason and that of Faith is demanded.

This is the dialogue that You have unceasingly been promoting as the Pastor of a Church which lives in the city of men and where it makes its voice heard.

Holy Father,

We welcome You in times of uncertainty that test the convictions and the strength of the bonds that link communities.

In these times men require a bearer of a message of hope for their thirst for justice and solidarity.

Solidarity among nations, in a world scored by profound differences in well being and prosperity.

Solidarity among people in our own countries, particularly when the effects of a globally sized economic crisis make themselves felt, at times brutally and unfairly.

Solidarity which is at the base of the extraordinary project of peace and development which is the construction of European unity.

Solidarity, a value which distinguishes men of good will, independently from their Faith, and is the essential component of the “new Commandment” to love thy neighbour.

The Portuguese will listen to You.

You will be listened to by those who exultantly await You in this capital of Portugal, alongside the river where the departure signal was given for the global embrace which brought the catholic Faith to so many Peoples who, nowadays, clasp it as their own.

You will be listened to in Fátima Sanctuary, with which You are well acquainted and linked to so by so particular bounds, a place of pilgrimage for Catholics who arrive from all over the world to attend to it.

You will also be listened to in the city of Porto, in that North where Portugal was born and where, once more, so many Portuguese will demonstrate to You their devotion and fidelity.


It was on behalf of the Portuguese People that we invited You to visit Portugal. It is thus with great joy and heartfelt emotion that, also on behalf of the Portuguese People, I welcome You, Holy Father!