Message from the President of the Republic regarding the canonization of Nuno Álvares Pereira
26 April 2009

This is a happy day for all the Portuguese.

The canonization of Nuno Álvares Pereira is a gesture that honours one of the most outstanding figures of our History, a figure which the Portuguese regard as a symbol of the love for their Country, of the courageous defence of national independence, of the will to triumph even in the darkest of hours.

We are proud of the canonization of Nuno Álvares Pereira, for what it represents as recognition of the exemplary value of a heroic and notable Portuguese.

A Portuguese who also knew how to be humble, when he decided to retire from mundane greatness in the name of his faith.

I recall his epitaph: «His earthly honours were innumerable, but on them he turned his back. He was a great Prince, but became a humble monk».

In effect, Nuno Álvares Pereira turned his back on earthly honours which he had conquered through feats of bravery.

But he did not turn his back on his love for Portugal, since it was in the name of that love that the Constable commanded troops in the defence of the independence of a nation under threat.

The «strong Dom Nuno», as Camões called him, is an example for us all and, very particularly, for our Armed Forces.

I am enormously pleased with the canonization of Nuno Álvares Pereira and am certain that this gesture will become embedded in our collective memory and will be a matter of pride and glory for all those that love our Country and its history.