Declaration of the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon
Palace of Belém, May 9, 2008

I have just ratified the Treaty of Lisbon.

I have done so on Europe Day, a day to remember how much Europeans owe to the Project of Europe, in terms of peace and economic and social progress. .

The Treaty, signed in Lisbon under the Portuguese Presidency, is a step ahead in the construction of a more united and mutually dependent Europe.

The Treaty consecrates the values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, Rule of Law, equality, human rights.

It strengthens the democratic spirit and the transparency of the institutions of the European Union.

It expands new policies, such as in the fields of energy, environment, foreign policy, security and defence.

It establishes the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

It projects Europe in the world.

It is now necessary to prepare the correct implementation of the Treaty, in order that the European Union becomes more effective.

At once, in order to answer the challenges of our times, particularly the issues faced by the people, such as unemployment, insecurity, climate change, social exclusion.

But also to reinforce Europe’s influence in the global world. .

The current economic and social difficulties and the crisis in the financial markets demand greater European integration.

The Treaty of Lisbon is an enormous opportunity and a great challenge to the political will of the European leaders.

Its success demands political determination and convergence of efforts between the leaders of the Member States and the European institutions.

It is equally a challenge for Portugal: it must ready itself to obtain the best advantages from the Treaty, adapting efficiently to a new institutional design to guarantee effective influence in the community decision procedures, in order to properly defend our country’s interests.

The success of the European Project is part of Portugal’s fundamental interests.

The European Union is a decisive strategic anchor to guarantee a better future for the Portuguese.

For all these reasons, I wished to stamp, in a special way, the act of ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.