President Cavaco Silva congratulated President Napolitano upon his re-election in Italy

The President of the Republic addressed a congratulatory message to the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano.

Following is the text of the congratulatory message from President Cavaco Silva:

“Mister President Elect and Dear Friend,

On the occasion of Your Excellency’s election to the exalted position of President of the Republic of Italy, I want to address you, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our warmest congratulations and sincere wishes for your utmost success in the exercise of the duties you have been called upon to perform.

Joined by a solid and historical friendship, I am certain that, in bilateral terms or within the field of our European partnership, Portugal and Italy will continue to take advantage of all that brings us together to strengthen still further the relations between our peoples and countries and, as such, to face with redoubled confidence and ambition the challenges and opportunities of the future. Your Excellency’s re-election takes place at particularly demanding times for your country and for Europe.

I beg you to accept, Mister President, my sincere wishes for Your Excellency’s personal well being and for the prosperity and progress for the people of the Italian Republic.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
