President of the Republic addressed condolences to the Family of Stage Director Joaquim Benite

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Stage Director Joaquim Benite

Following is the text of the message sent by President Cavaco Silva:

“I was deeply grieved with the news of the passing away of Joaquim Benite, a prime figure in Portuguese theatre in the last decades.

In addition to his work as a stage director, Joaquim Benite founded and impelled projects that decisively moulded the arts of the stage, from the Theatre of Campolide and the Almada Municipal Theatre to the International Theatre Festival, bringing to the public the great works of national and international dramaturgy.

With his disappearance Portuguese culture loses not just a brilliant figure of the theatre, who I had the opportunity to decorate, two years ago, with the grade of Commander of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, but also one of the names that most contributed towards its internationalization and disclosure.

On behalf of the Portuguese and in my own personal name, I address my sincere condolences to all the members of the family and all of Joaquim Benite’s friends and assistants.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
