President of the Republic congratulates Jorge Carlos Fonseca upon his election as President of the Republic of Cape Verde

The President of the Republic addressed a message of congratulations to Dr. Jorge Carlos Fonseca, upon his election as President of the Republic of Cape Verde.

Following is the text of the congratulatory message of President Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

“Mister President and Dear Friend,

On the occasion of Your Excellency’s election as President of the Republic of Cape Verde, I want to address, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, my wishes for your success in the exercise of the high office you have been called upon to perform by the People of Cape Verde.

The exemplary in which the electoral procedure took place is the living proof of the civic spirit and democratic maturity of the People of Cape Verde who expressed unequivocally their trust in Your Excellency to exercise the highest political office in Cape Verde.

I am certain that during Your Excellency’s mandate, the special bonds of friendship and cooperation that link our peoples and countries will find new opportunities to be strengthened and deepened, both bilaterally as in the framework of the Commonwealth of Portuguese Speaking Peoples (CPLP). Your Excellency can be confident of my continued personal drive for this to become true, convinced that a closer partnership between Portugal and Cape Verde is in the interest of both our peoples and our countries.

Renewing my congratulations, I beg you to accept, Mister President and Dear Friend, my wishes for Your Excellency’s personal well being and for the prosperity and progress of the fraternal people of Cape Verde.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
