President of the Republic addressed condolences to the Family of Maria José Nogueira Pinto

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Member of Parliament Maria José Nogueira Pinto.
Following is the text of the message of President Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

"I address the Family of Maria José Nogueira Pinto my deepest condolences.
An outstanding personality in the Portuguese public life, Maria José Nogueira Pinto always stood out due to her steadfast character and by the directness she placed in the defence of her convictions. Her public utterances, as a citizen, as an intellectual and jurist, as a member of government, Member of Parliament and political leader, stood out through the strength of her intelligence and of her strict independence.
As life’s values she held that love for Portugal and the deep belief in the irreplaceable role of the Family was an essential parcel of a fair society. On behalf of a fairer Portugal she worked tirelessly, with the strength of purpose that we all admired in her. Her action and her dynamism deeply marked institutions such as the Alfredo da Costa Maternity Hospital and the Lisbon Holy Almshouse.
A Woman of faith and defender of causes, an example for all of us, Portugal lost today an individuality of a very rare humane dimension.
Aníbal Cavaco Silva"

