President Cavaco Silva congratulated author Gonçalo M. Tavares on the award of the Grand Prize for Novels

The President of the Republic sent a congratulatory message to author Gonçalo M. Tavares, for having been awarded the Grande Prize for Novels by the Portuguese Author’s Association.
Following is the text of the message addressed by President Aníbal Cavaco Silva:
“I sincerely congratulate author Gonçalo M. Tavares and am extremely pleased at his being awarded the Grand Prize for Novels for his work “A trip to India ».
Due to his singular literary success, nationally and internationally recognized, Gonçalo M. Tavares shows the vitality of Portuguese literature and is a motive of joy for all those who believe in the cosmopolitanism of our culture.
In my own personal name and on behalf of all Portuguese, I wish him the best of personal happiness and his continued success, with which, in such a short while, the work of Gonçalo M. Tavares has been so fully rewarded.
Aníbal Cavaco Silva”

