Message of congratulations from the President of the Republic to Professor Doctor Maria Alzira Seixo for the award of the Vergílio Ferreira Prize

The President of the Republic addressed a message of congratulations to Professor Maria Alzira Seixo, upon being awarded the Vergílio Ferreira Prize.
Following is the text of the message addressed by the President of the Republic:

"I wish to address you my sincere congratulations and let you know how pleased I am that the Vergílio Ferreira Prize, has been awarded by the University of Évora to the work with which Professor Maria Alzira Seixo has so greatly dignified the Portuguese language and literature.
For the much that this work represents in terms of the promotion and valuing of our culture, I want to concur with the distinction represented by this prize, wishing you great personal happiness and the continuation of the admirable work you have carried out, in Portugal and abroad, on behalf of our literature and language.

Anibal Cavaco Silva"
