Congratulatory message addressed by the President of the Republic to the President elect of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Sidi Ould Cheik Abdallahi

Mr. President,

On the occasion of your election to the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, I am pleased to address you, Mr. President, on behalf of the people of Portugal and in my own name, my sincere congratulations and best wishes in carrying out the exalted functions which you have been called to accomplish.

The participation in the polling and the result of the elections are demonstrative of the confidence placed upon Your Excellency by the people of Mauritania, as guarantor of the building of a State based upon democratic institutions and on the values of freedom and tolerance.

I am certain that during Your Excellency’s mandate, the ties of friendship and cooperation between our two Countries will encounter new opportunities to be developed and deepened.

Renewing my congratulations, please accept my very best wishes for the prosperity and progress of the People of Mauritania.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva
