Message of congratulations from the President of the Republic to Portuguese citizen Aurora de Freitas for receiving the “Single Market Award”

The President of the Republic addressed a congratulatory message to the Portuguese citizen Aurora de Freitas, for having received the “Single Market Award ".

Following is the text of the message:

"I heartily congratulate the Portuguese citizen Aurora de Freitas, who has just been awarded the “Single Market Prize”, instituted by the European Unit to emphasize the relevance of the opportunities associated to the free transit of people, goods and services within the Union.

Aurora de Freitas, due to her action on behalf of citizens’ rights within the single market in general and, in particular, for the granting of residential permits for Portuguese in France, is a true winner of this prize which is being awarded for the first time.

For this reason I wish to address her, in my own personal name and on behalf of the People of Portugal, sincere congratulations for having received this distinction.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
