President called to mind the 60th anniversary of the constitution of the German Federal Republic

The President of the Republic addressed a message to his German counterpart, Horst Köhler, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the German Federal Republic.

The text of the President’s message was as follows:

"Mister President and dear Friend

On the occasion of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the constitution of the German Federal Republic, I wish to address Your Excellency and the People of Germany, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our most sincere congratulations.

The emergence of the Federal Republic of Germany is a fundamental reference in the History of the construction of a united Europe, based on values of democracy and freedom.

Renewing my congratulations, I beg Your Excellency to accept my sincere wishes for your personal well being, as well as my highest consideration and personal esteem.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
