Message of congratulations from the President of the Republic to the Portuguese Team that won the Soccer 7 Special Olympics European Championship

The President of the Republic sent a message of congratulations to the Portuguese Team that won the Soccer 7 Special Olympics European Championship.

Following is the text of the message:

"Upon being advised of the victory of the Portuguese Team in the Soccer 7 Special Olympics European Championship, I wish to congratulate the athletes, on behalf of the people of Portugal and in my own personal name, for this sports achievement.

The result obtained today is proof of the effort and dedication of a group of young people who have found in sports a means to overcome obstacles, and as such deserving of the regard of all Portuguese.

Let this victory be taken as an example on how it is possible to go further if each one endeavours in bringing his objectives to fruition.

I renew my congratulations and wish that the Portugal Special Olympics Movement continues to be the pride of all the people of Portugal.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"

