President Cavaco Silva sent condolences to the family of artist Jaime Isidoro

The President of the Republic sent a message of condolences to the Family of artist Jaime Isidoro

Following is the text of the President’s message:

"On behalf of the people of Portugal and in my Wife’s and my own personal names, I offer heartfelt condolences to the family of Jaime Isidoro, one of the most prestigious names in the cultural environment of the North of Portugal.

Through his path as a painter and due to the project he developed in the aid of culture, by creating and developing the International Art Encounters and the International Cerveira Art Biennial, Jaime Isidoro is deserving of our deepest esteem and regard.

In this hour of mourning I pay tribute to a Man of Culture who will remain in the memory and in the heart of all those who followed his life path.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
