President Cavaco Silva congratulates film director Manoel de Oliveira on his 100th anniversary

The President of the Republic congratulated film director Manoel de Oliveira, on the occasion of his 100th birthday.

Registering the event, President Aníbal Cavaco Silva made the following statement:

“Celebrating 100 years of age is always a very special moment.

But when the 100 years are celebrated – as is the case of Manoel de Oliveira – with a brain filled with projects and wanting to continue making more and more films, we are facing a unique person, a very special person, who wishes to go on demonstrating that the passing of the years does not put an end to his creativity.

Manuel de Oliveira has received international recognition for many years. I believe he is one of the greatest film makers of the XX century.

He has helped to project Portugal throughout the world, making known our culture, our history, and our people.

I warmly congratulate Manoel de Oliveira for his anniversary. But I also want to congratulate his notable film making career.

I want to thank him for his contribution in divulging Portuguese culture and Portuguese cinema.

I will award him, next Saturday, with one of the highest Portuguese decorations.

And I am certain that everybody will follow me in this tribute which is rendered to a great man of Portuguese culture and Portuguese cinema”.
