President Cavaco Silva sends condolences to Indian counterpart regarding the terrorist acts in Mumbai

The President of the Republic sent a message of condolences to the President of the Republic of India, Pratibha Patil, concerning the victims of the terrorist acts in Mumbai. 

Following is the text of the message

"Madam President,

I was deeply shocked and dismayed by the news of the abominable terrorist acts that were perpetrated in Mumbai, deserving of our fullest condemnation and disavowal.

We are in the face of a cowardly act which will only result in the strengthening of our determination to eradicate terrorism and to construct a world of peace, freedom and tolerance, based on close dialogue amongst cultures and civilizations.

In this time of suffering and mourning, I wish to express to Your Excellency and to the families of the victims of the attempts, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our deepest feelings of grief and solidarity.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
