Message from the President of the Republic addressed to the President elect of the Republic of Cyprus, Demetris Christofias

Mister President,

On the occasion of Your Excellency’s election as President of the Republic of Cyprus, I wish to address you, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own name, our sincere congratulations and best wishes for the successful accomplishment of your Exalted Office.

I am certain that, during the mandate which Your Excellency will be soon exercising, the efforts which have until now been developed regarding a common understanding as to the reunification of Cyprus will be continued and strengthened.

Bilaterally, I am also certain that the relations of friendship and cooperation between our two countries, as partners in the European Union, will find new opportunities for development and enlargement.

Renewing my congratulations, please accept, Mister President, my best wishes for your personal welfare and for the improved progress of the People of Cyprus.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva
