Message of the President of the Republic addressed to the President of the Republic of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, on the occasion of the National Day of Angola

Mister President, Dear Friend

On the occasion of the commemoration of the National Day of Angola, I am particularly pleased to address Your Excellency, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, my very sincere congratulations and best wishes for the progress and prosperity of the brotherly People of Angola.

At this time, I wish to reaffirm Your Excellency of my personal endeavour in the strengthening of the close relations of friendship and cooperation which link Portugal and Angola as well as the continued support of Portugal in the efforts for the national reconstruction and consolidation of the economic and social development of Angola.

Whilst renewing my congratulations, please accept, Mister President and my dear friend, the expression of my highest regards and personal esteem.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva
