Tribute to the President

Tribute to the President

President Cavaco Silva hosted Presentation of Iberian American Youth Programme and of Braga as 2016 Capital of Iberian American Youth

The President of the Republic presided, in the Palace of Belém, over the presentation ceremony of the Iberian American Youth Programme and of Braga as 2016 Capital of Iberian American Youth.

After the exhibition of an allusive film, a collective presentation took place of the “Iberjovens” (Iberian Youth) programme, with speeches delivered by the international officers responsible for the Iberian American Youth Organization (OIJ).

Later the OIJ Secretary General, Alejo Ramirez, presented the plaque that assigns Braga as the 2016 Capital of Iberian American Youth to the City’s Mayor, Ricardo Rio, who addressed an appreciative speech.

The Secretary General of the Iberian American Conference, Rebeca Grynspan spoke next, and, jointly with the OIJ Secretary General, paid a tribute to President Cavaco Silva, presenting him with a salver “in recognition for the work carried out on behalf of democratic values and for the promotion of the wellbeing and the economic and social development of the Iberian American people”.

Alejo Ramirez then presented the President with a statuette symbolizing the Portuguese Head of State as the Ambassador of Iberian American Youth.

Lastly, the President of the Republic delivered an address.

View here the speech of the President of the Republic
