Photograph of participants

Photograph of participants

President attends awards of FAZ Prizes – Innovatory Entrepreneurialism in the Diaspora and Original Portuguese Ideas

The President of the Republic presided at the Award Ceremony of the FAZ Prizes - Prize for Innovative Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora and Prize for Original Portuguese Ideas – held in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

The Prize for Innovative Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora was awarded to José Neves, founder of the Farfetch enterprise, online trading of luxury clothes.

The Rio Frio – Creative Territory Project, which installs a community flock in a 400 hectare pasture area of vacant lands, involving local inhabitants and Diaspora citizens, bringing together biodiversity, sustainability and resilience, was the winner of the Prize for Original Portuguese Ideas. The second and third qualified were, respectively, the projects Teia – Transforming Emigration into Action and Webradio for Children.

A speech was then delivered by President Cavaco Silva.

Following this, the President of the Republic attended the launching of the Prize “Portugal, Country of Excellence in Engineering”.
