Research of the Seas

Research of the Seas

President of the Republic at opening of seminar on Ocean Cooperation between Portugal and Norway

At the beginning of his official visit to Norway, the President of the Republic presided, in Oslo, at the opening of a Seminar on Cooperation in Science and Technology of the Oceans between Portugal and that Scandinavian country, in which researchers, entrepreneurs and representatives of bodies connected with the sea from both States took part.

Held in the Norwegian Research Council, the seminar was attended by the Norwegian Ministers of Education and Research and of Fisheries, and by the Portuguese Ministers of Defence, of the Environment, Land Planning and Energy, of Agriculture and the Sea, and of Education and Science, who accompanied President Cavaco Silva on this visit.

During the opening session, the Portuguese and Norwegian government officials responsible for Science and Research signed a Letter of Intent, whilst the Norwegian Research Council and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology subscribed a Memorandum of Understanding on “Ocean Related Scientific and Technological Cooperation”.

After this, the President of the Republic delivered an address.

View here the speech of President Cavaco Silva
