Decoration Ceremony

Decoration Ceremony

President of the Republic decorated Faculty of Law of Lisbon University and Higher Education individualities

The President of the Republic decorated the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University and several individualities linked to Higher Education, and addressed a speech during the ceremony.

The Military Order of Sant’Iago da Espada was awarded to the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University (Honorary Member), and to Prof. Doctor António Manuel Pinto do Amaral Coutinho and Prof. Eng. Luís António Aires-Barros, with the grade of Grand Officer, and to Prof. Doctor António Pedro de Araújo Pires Vicente, with the grade of Commander.

The Order of Public Education was awarded to Prof. Doctor Maria Helena Nazaré, with the grade of Grand Cross, to Prof. Doctor Catarina Isabel Resende de Oliveira, Prof. Doctor Dionísio Afonso Gonçalves, Prof. Doctor Fernando José Pires Santana and Prof. Doctor José Augusto Guimarães Morais, with the grade of Grand Officer, and Prof. Doctor João Ernesto de Almeida Flor, Prof. Doctor Jorge Manuel Moreira Gonçalves, Prof. Doctor Manuel Cadafaz de Matos Marques Baptista and Dr. Raul Jaime de Abreu Diniz, with the grade of Commander.

View here the speech of the President of the Republic
