Innovation in forestry products

Innovation in forestry products

President met with responsible officers of the forestry row, researchers and environmentalists

In the second stage of his Campaign dedicated to Portuguese Forestry, the President of the Republic visited the Caniceira Estate, in Tramagal, Abrantes, where he met with responsible officers of the forestry row, researchers linked to the sector and with environmentalists.

During a working lunch, President Cavaco Silva viewed the projection of a video produced by the Association for the Competitiveness of the Forestry Row, entitled “Carbon Footprint Label Project”, and heard commentaries from representatives of the “Quercus” environmentalist association, on the “Earth Condominium”, and from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on the “Valuation of the Ecosystems”.

On the occasion, the President of the Republic addressed a speech.

Later, finalizing the Forestry campaign, the President observed the Technological Showroom of the Caniceira Estate, leaving then for Alqueidão, where he visited the MADECA industrial facilities, where the bark of the pine trees is treated for use in floriculture in several countries, namely in orchid nurseries in The Netherlands.
