Ceremony in Guimarães

Ceremony in Guimarães

President Cavaco Silva paid a tribute to the Footwear Industry and decorated entrepreneurs

The President of the Republic promoted, in Guimarães, a tribute paying ceremony to the Footwear Industry, and decorated several of the sector’s entrepreneurs.

A speech was then addressed by President Cavaco Silva.

The Director General of the Portuguese Association of Producers of Footwear, Components and Leather Articles (APICCAPS), Manuel Carlos Costa de Silva, was decorated with the grade of Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator and, with the grade of Commander of the Order of Entrepreneurial Merit, Class of Industrial Merit, entrepreneurs Armando Luis da Silva, Carlos Pereira de Castro, Carlos Santos, Domingos Ferreira Neto, Fernando Rodrigues Lima and Luis Onofre, the latter also a stylist.

Later, a working lunch was held with the President of the Republic and footwear industry entrepreneurs.

View here the speech of the President of the Republic
