Refurbished Museum

Refurbished Museum

President of the Republic attended celebrations of 10th anniversary of Museum of the Presidency

The President of the Republic presided at the ceremony celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic, now reopened after the renovation of its exhibiting features.

The ceremony, which took place in the “Bichos” Patio, in the Palace of Belém, included the presentation of the documentary film “Refurbishment of the Museum of the Presidency – 10 Years of History”, after which the Director of the Museum, Dr. Diogo Gaspar, delivered an address.

This was followed by a musical intermission, in which Maestro Rui Massena performed on the piano the first run of a work he had composed.

Later, President Cavaco Silva addressed a few brief words alluding to the occasion, and invited those present to visit the renovated Museum.
