Meeting of the Arraiolos Group
Braga,Portugal, 29 & 30 September

The Arraiolos Group holds informal meetings of EU Heads of State from Portugal, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Poland. Its objective is to provide an open and informal debate between these Heads of State, specifically concerning European issues. The first meeting, upon a Portuguese initiative, was held in Arraiolos in 2003. The meetings are normally held on an annual basis.

In 2014, the organization of the 10th meeting of this forum falls to Portugal, and it will be held in Braga, on 29 and 30 September.

The Presidents of Germany, Austria, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Portugal will participate in this meeting, as well as those of Bulgaria and Estonia, the latter as special guests, such as was the case in the 9th meeting, held in Krakow.

This year’s work will be organized in three plenary sessions, which will be held in Tibães Monastery. The first, on 29 September, will cover the energy theme. The second, on the same day, will be dedicated to immigration issues. On 30 September, a discussion will be held over the role of research and innovation in the promotion of growth, competitiveness and creation of employment. Within the scope of this last session, a visit will be held by the Heads of State to the Iberian International Nanotechnology Laboratory which, through interdisciplinary research in nanotechnology and nanoscience, develops partnerships with industry and academic institutions and promotes transfer of knowledge that generates economic value and employment.

This is equally an opportunity for the Heads of State to hold bilateral meetings outside the confines of the meeting.

President and Mrs. Cavaco Silva will host a dinner to their counterparts on 29 September in the Chancellery of Minho University.

Although no formal Conclusions will be available, the participating Heads of State, as usual, will hold a joint press conference after the meetings are finalized.
