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Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Lisboa, 15 de Junho de 2012 ler mais: Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011


Veja as Imagens | ATUALIDADE

Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (1)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (2)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (3)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (4)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (5)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (6)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (7)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (8)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (9)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (10)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (11)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (12)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (13)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (14)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (15)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (16)
Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science” (17)

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Galeria Millennium

Galeria Millennium

Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science”

A Dra. Maria Cavaco Silva esteve presente na inauguração da Exposição “Within light/Inside glass. An intersection between art and science”, patente na Galeria Millennium, em Lisboa.


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